Well my loves it's the last day of BEA 2013 and I'm terrifed of the craziness that's about to happen. Why do you ask?? Well because today is Power Reader day which means that the general public will be walking around on the floor today and quite a few of the publishers will be winding down and packing it in.
Today was Harlequin Day, let me tell you, we had our lists and we were going to get all the books on it goddarn it. The last two days were hectic and we made a bargain of no more than twso bags to carry plus our suitcase. We were planning to go to a late lunch after the expo was over and we so didn't want to be lugging too may books around. Yeah we so didn't stick to that plan at all!! As you can see below, this was just my section of books.

Let me explain, you see, BEA officially closed at 4, but we learnt from last year's experience, they close way earlier and if you want ARCs that were displays you need to be beisde the booths when they close. I went back to Sourcebooks who I had been stalking all ceonvention long and the girl said they were leaving at 2, so we could come back then, but when we walked past after 1 most of the books were gone. Heffa?!!!! I so wanted the second book in the Vicious Deep series and I had seen so many of the lovely Carolyn Brown books and several authors I wanted and now they were gone. *I hate everything*.
Mostly we just ran around to booths like Harlequin and pulled up some serious display books. I went back by the Writers Coffee Shop and picked up a few more books on display and then it was time to head over to Quirk books to get the most awesome books ever.
As I was leaving I stopped by Random House and they had a copy of
Ebony & Ivy which sounds amazing and the young woman at the booth told me to take, I didn't give her a chance to finish before I ran away with it!!
I'm a native New Yorker and I'm going to confess something shameful...I have never been to the flagship NYC Library..*
gasp shock horror* Yeah I know. But today we went and we stopped near the park behind it and enjoyed some music and a light meal from the little resutrant which was packed with people enjoying the warm weather.
So there you have the adventures of Aisha & Akili at BEA 2013. It was another awesome year and now I have to wonder how i'm getting these books back to CT. Book nerd problems.
I have pictures, and I'll be putting them up as soon as my camera stops trying to eat my SD card. We had a blast afterwards.
See you guys later with a Haul from BEA.
Happy Reading