Book Title: Casting Spells Sugar Maple Book 1
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Publisher: Berkley Trade
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, Yarn Mysteries,
Format: Paperback
Genre: Contemporary Fantasy, Yarn Mysteries,
Format: Paperback
Cost: $ 14.00
Pages: 320
Series/Standalone: Series
How I got it: Library
How I got it: Library
Purchase:Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
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Pretty amazing, a fast engaging read told by Luke & Chloe, in both thrid and first person. It's actually pretty awesome, The twon like Sugar maple which mirriors Salem, but did better with the tolerance.
I loved Chloe's and her shop, ahhh man did I love her shop, a basket of roving that never, NEVER ends?? Oh I could crochet and knit happy for the rest of my life. I laughed a lot when Luke found out how much her yarns cost; I'm sure his face was priceless ( haha see what I did there?? Yeah nerdy giggle). I also has to chuckle when he noted that a yarn addiction was worse than the other addictions, or as he put it, "you'll be living in your car". Ha if he only knew.
The mystery, the love story, the town's history and reactions to both the human and Chloe's reaction to Luke were amazing to read. That Fae b*tch really needed her butt kicked I mean really needed it!! I do wish Chloe was a little more confident, yes I get that your the odd ball there, but jeez some kind of backbone should be there, I'm sure we're going to learn more about Chloe and why she's the way she is, and will she and Luke actually be more than whatever they are right now. Will she become all that she has the potential of being??
I can't wait to read and find out. There are a few others in the series, I can't wait to read!!
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Sugar Maple looks like any Vermont town, but it's inhabited with warlocks, sprites, vampires, witches and an ancient secret. And Chloe Hobbs, owner of Sticks & String, a popular knitting shop, has a big secret too. She's a sorcerer's daughter in search of Mr. Right and she's found him in Luke MacKenzie, a cop investigating Sugar Maple's very first murder. Bad news is he's 100% human, which could spell disaster for a normal future with a paranormal woman like her(
Pretty amazing, a fast engaging read told by Luke & Chloe, in both thrid and first person. It's actually pretty awesome, The twon like Sugar maple which mirriors Salem, but did better with the tolerance.
I loved Chloe's and her shop, ahhh man did I love her shop, a basket of roving that never, NEVER ends?? Oh I could crochet and knit happy for the rest of my life. I laughed a lot when Luke found out how much her yarns cost; I'm sure his face was priceless ( haha see what I did there?? Yeah nerdy giggle). I also has to chuckle when he noted that a yarn addiction was worse than the other addictions, or as he put it, "you'll be living in your car". Ha if he only knew.
The mystery, the love story, the town's history and reactions to both the human and Chloe's reaction to Luke were amazing to read. That Fae b*tch really needed her butt kicked I mean really needed it!! I do wish Chloe was a little more confident, yes I get that your the odd ball there, but jeez some kind of backbone should be there, I'm sure we're going to learn more about Chloe and why she's the way she is, and will she and Luke actually be more than whatever they are right now. Will she become all that she has the potential of being??
I can't wait to read and find out. There are a few others in the series, I can't wait to read!!

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