Book Title: I Become Shadow
Author: Joe Shine |Website| Twitter|
Author: Joe Shine |Website| Twitter|
Publisher: SOHO Teen
Genre: SciFi
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: Hardcover
Genre: SciFi
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: Hardcover
Cost: $13.67
Pages: 304
How I got it: Publisher
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: June 10,2014
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Publication Date: June 10,2014
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Ren Sharpe was abducted at fourteen and chosen by the mysterious F.A.T.E. Center to become a Shadow: the fearless and unstoppable guardian of a future leader. Everything she held dear—her family, her home, her former life—is gone forever. Ren survives four years of training, torture, and misery, in large part thanks to Junie, a fellow F.A.T.E. abductee who started out as lost and confused as she did. She wouldn’t admit it was possible to find love in a prison beyond imagining, but what she feels for Junie may just be the closest thing to it. At eighteen they part ways when Ren receives her assignment: find and protect college science student Gareth Young, or die trying. Life following a college nerd is uneventful, until an attack on Gareth forces Ren to track down the only person she can trust. When she and Junie discover that the F.A.T.E. itself might be behind the attacks, even certain knowledge of the future may not be enough to save their kidnappers from the killing machines they created.
Joe Shine grew up in Austin, TX (the greatest city ever) and is a graduate of Texas A&M University. He has a MFA from the Peter Stark Producing Program at the University of Southern California, and after brief stints in Los Angeles and Washington DC Joe returned home to Austin. Joe has a normal human job like most everyone else but hopes to become a full time writer one day, and this is where you, the reader, must do him a really big solid and love I Become Shadow, his first novel.
Yeah y'all, this is so awesome. I'm a huge fan of soundtracks for books, I accidentally when I was younger created soundtracks for books when I was reading them, there are still books to this day that when I read then i hear the songs, or if I hear the songs the book plot, story and characters pop back into my head. I have so many fond memories of books because of this. But the formal book soundtrack for me didn't happen until I was reading Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series about bad ass djinns. And my love for book soundtracks took flight.
When I signed up to read and review this books and they told me a soundtrack was being added?!?!?! I was ALL. OVER. IT. I love playlists and I couldn't wait to share, because this one really fits the book, the characters and the plots, and it isn't until your deep into the chapter that you realize the author has really picked some winners. I'm of course going to create a B-Side list, of songs I think go well with the characters and the overall story, but that's come later, once I actually finish the book (as soon as I'm done here that's where I'm going back to!!). I hope you enjoy as much as I did.
Here's your chance to meet the wonderful characters. Read the excerpt. And here's what the author's Playlist looks like. Youtube link below for the playlist.
I learned long ago I can’t listen to music and write at the same time. I end up singing along or often times dancing instead. But I’ll always listen to a song or two before I start to get me in the mood for a specific scene, or set the tone for what I’m about to write. So for a bit of fun I decided to create the I BECOME SHADOW chapter by chapter companion playlist. These are the songs I either listened too before writing that chapter, or I feel best sets the tone for what’s to come. I really, truly had a good time doing this and hope that before you read each chapter you listen to the song I’ve connected to it. If nothing else, and pardon the ego, it’s a pretty darn good playlist.
Chapter 1......Milkshake – ‘You don’t know me’ (feat Regina Spektor) by Ben Folds
Chapter 2......A Life Quite Ordinary – ‘In the Morning’ by The Coral
Chapter 3......So It Begins – ‘All Die Young’ by the Smith Westerns
Chapter 4......My New ‘Home’ – ‘An Honest Mistake’ by The Bravery
Chapter 5......Welcome to Your New Life – ‘Babylon of the Occident’ by The Shanghai Restoration Project
Chapter 6......Let’s Hold Hands, Not Grudges – ‘Heads Will Roll’ by Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs
Chapter 7......Back From the Dead – ‘Punching in a Dream’ by The Naked and the Famous
Chapter 8......Driving Miss Crazy – ‘I Wanna Go’ by Summer Heart
Chapter 9......The Hunt – ‘Run to Your Grave’ by The Mae Shi
Chapter 10......Sweet-A-Montage – ‘Dancing in the Dark’ by Bruce Springstein
Chapter 11......Our Little Girl’s All Growns Up – ‘Band on the Run’ by Wings
Chapter 12......Worst Goodbye Ever – ‘Weird Shapes’ by Surfer Blood
Chapter 13......Best Goodbye Ever – ‘Only You’ by Yazoo
Chapter 14......Getting Linked – ‘2 Atoms in a Molecule’ by Noah and the Whale
Chapter 15......Just Like Everybody Else – ‘Time to Pretend’ by MGMT
Chapter 16......Strange New World – ‘Scenic World’ by Beirut
Chapter 17......Poison Control – ‘Black Irish’ by the Devil Makes Three
Chapter 18......Jump, Jump Around – ‘Suzy’ by Caravan Palace
Chapter 19......An Explosion of Violence – ‘The House that Heaven Built’ by the Japandroids
Chapter 20......Bestest Buddies – ‘Impossible’ by the Shout Out Louds
Chapter 21......Break Throughs and Break Ups – ‘Oxford Comma’ by Vampire Weekend
Chapter 22......Cometh the Moment Cometh the (Wo)man – ‘Genesis’ by Justice
Chapter 23......Worlds Collide – ‘Have Love Will’ Travel by the Sonics
Chapter 24......No Place Like Home – ‘Brimful of Asha’ by Cornershop
Chapter 25......Playing Along – ‘Sabotage’ by the Beastie Boys
Chapter 26......The Charge –‘ I’ll be Your Man’ by Black Keys
Chapter 27......If You Want Blood, You Got It – ‘If You Want Blood’ by AC/DC
Chapter 28......All Killer No Filler – ‘Open Road Song’ by Eve 6
Chapter 29......Family Reunion – ‘In For The Kill’ by La RouxAnd there you have it, I'm going to go finish the book with this soundtrack playing. Have you heard any of these before?? The book is now available and you can purchase and listen along. Share your thoughts in the comments section.
Happy Reading and Listening y'all

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