Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year New Goals 2015

Well hello there

How have y'all been ?? Yeah I know I have sucked at this, but no more and no excises either.  Here are my no fuss resolutions or better yet the objectives of the blog this year

  1. Complete more reviews: not necessarily every book I read but certainly all the ones I have from BEA and publishers. 
  2. Do more discussion videos and posts on my channel and the blog because sometimes I want to talk about stuff that's not just a book review or a haul or wrap up.  
  3. Be more consistent especially in the fall which it seems to be the time I fail at blogging,
  4. Read more books from my shelves ( I'm participating in a few challenges which will help with this). 
  5. Participate in small book buying bans, so no more purchasing before I complete my Project 10 (Feb 1- June 28th ) Not counting Preorders
  6. Do my best to stick to my objectives
  7. Write more, so I can increase content
  8. Only do blog tours I really want to support and really be honest about the books, I haven't ever lied about my feeling of a book, but I feel I might have been a lot more lenient on books because I didn't want to be seen as someone who is too harsh. So being brutally honest but not hurtful, you know that balance we all attempt to strike each review, sometimes we win sometimes we fail.
  9. Quit being afraid of sharing my books, not just the ones that are popular but the ones that are odd, the ones from my faith, and just whatever I really want to share. 
  10. Attend BEA 2015 and any other conventions I can squeeze in.
  11. Clean up my Netgalley Reviews, with the goal of getting my review percentage close to or at the 80% marker.  Currently at 19%. I need to do 7 reviews a week for the next 53 weeks to complete it. 
  12. Plan, film and EDIT!! I'm great and planning and filming but I suck at editing, I need to plan my time in a way that allows me to edit and put up at least 2 videos per week for the new year. 
And the most important one?? Have fun, because I was beginning to hate blogging for a while i hated having to formulate, to create and post then not have the views to match the hard work. I'm going back to writing this like I did in the beginning with the belief that it's a record of my feelings and ideas about certain books, that i just happen to share with others.  If the views come cool, if the numbers increase cool, but in all honesty I really just want an outlet for all my nerdy love of books.  

So there you have it, those are my ideals of 2015. What are your objectives for 2015?? Any goals or resolutions you looking forward to??
Happy Reading