Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Monthly Wrap Up: June 2015

Another month has come and gone and we are so much closer to end of 2015!!! I'm so excited aren't you?? Because it means fall, Halloween, My Birthday, and of course CHRISTMAS!!! Can you tell fall is my favorite time of year??? That's so crazy. Well since it's gone here are the books I have read, the reviews I have written and a recap of all the awesomeness that came my way.

Book Hauls

Stacking the Shelves (18)
Bookish Adventure & Haul  Boston Author Event June 13, 2015

Vlog Haul:

Reviews on the Blog This Month:

Books Read This Month: 16
Yearly Goal: 200   Monthly Count: 19   Balance: 134
May was BEA month and I got a whole ton of books and I can't wait to dive into all of them.  I've added a few in here.
  • 1 Nora Roberts book I haven't read yet ( Brazen Virtue
  • Complete a series I have already started (Rogue
  • Complete a young adult book I started reading (Kiss of Deception and Fathomless) 
  • Complete a new adult book I already started ( The Vincent Boys) 
  • 2 Brenda Jackson novels () 
  • 1 Christine Feehan Novel (Dark Melody/ or Dark Demon) 
  • I New to me author Erica Ridley's Dukes of War series 
  • Start a new series Powerless 
  • 10 ebooks ( 7 NetGalley/Edelwiess/Books for Review) (When Darkness Ends, Powerless, The Earl's Defiant Wallflower, The Captain's Bluestocking Mistress, Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride, Claiming Her Warriors, Christmas in Da Conti's Bed, Carved In Stone, Cowboy In My Pocket)  3 Books purchased (The Viscount's Christmas Temptation, Random Acts of Crazy
  • Catch up on two series on my bookshelf  did 1 Croak Series
  •  5 books from my shelves. (Croak )
  • 1 book over 300 pages 
  • A book that's been on my shelf for more than 3 years 
  • A genre I haven't read this year so far 
  • A physical ARC from BEA 2014, 2013, 2012, 2015
  • Read a pre-order from May  (ASA & Sweet) 
  • Read a newly purchased book from Jan- May 2015
The letter for this month is "C" can be the title or the author's name. And I can read
anything from last month's list that catches my eye.  From this month's letter I picked:

  • Carved In Stone by Kate Douglas
  • Christmas iN Da Conti's Bed by Sharon Kendrick
  • Christmas With a SEAL by Tawny Weber
  • Claiming Her Warriors by Savannah Stuart
Currently Reading:
  • Caged Warrior by Lindsey Piper
  • Cowboy In My Pocket by Kate Douglas

BEA 2015:

  • Those Girls Laura Saft
  • The Witch Hunter Virginia Boecker
  • Second Change Summer Jill Shalvis
  • Come Away With Me  Karma Brown
  • Nowhere But Here Katie McGarry
  • Powerless Tera Lynn Childs & Tracey Deebs
As you can see I put a dent in my list this month, I pretty much stuck to it. The letter "c" worked for me this month and I cranked out a few books from there.  I only have three more left from my NetGalley list so I'm going to add those to next month's reading list.  I had a pretty good month. 

I can't wait to get to some of the books on my shelves, next month is going to be awesome because I'm going to several really good events and I can't wait to share them with you!!!

What'd you read this month?? Share in the comments down below!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday ( June 2015) (25): Hard Ride by Opal Carew & The Silenced by Heather Graham | Bewitching Bibliophile

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  

Adult Fiction/ Romance / Erotica

The Silenced (Krewe of Hunters 15) by Heather Graham
Where is Lara Mayhew? Lara, a congressman's media assistant, suddenly quits her job—and disappears on the way to her Washington, DC, apartment. Novice FBI agent Meg Murray, a childhood friend of Lara's, gets a message from her that same night, a message that says she's disillusioned and "going home." To Richmond, Virginia. Meg discovers that she never got there. And bodies fitting Lara's description are showing up in nearby rivers… Could she be the victim of a serial killer? Meg is assigned to work with special agent Matt Bosworth, a hard-nosed pro in the FBI's unit of paranormal investigators—the Krewe of Hunters. They trace the route Meg and Lara took more than once in the past, visiting battlefields and graveyards from Harpers Ferry to Gettysburg. Places where the dead share their secrets with those who can hear… As Meg and Matt pursue the possibility of a serial killer, they find themselves in the middle of a political conspiracy. Is there a connection? And who—besides each other—can they trust?
Due Date: June 30
Print: ebook, Mass Market paperback
Pages: 352
Publisher: Mira
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I've been reading Heather for so many years, every time she writes I buy, it's automatic. This is already pre-ordered as well, so when it gets here will be time for some good mystery and romantic suspense.

Hard Ride Ready to Ride (4) by Opal Carew
Maggie never expected to find herself trapped in an alley facing a band of rough bikers. And she certainly didn't expected to see him again… Shock is a biker with a mysterious past. The son of a wealthy billionaire, he inherited it all at a young age. But for Shock, wealth was a shackle, and all he wants is to break free on the open road. With no worries, no responsibilities, just him, his gang, and his bike. What more could a man want? That is until he encounters an old flame in a dark alley. Seeing Maggie again sends him spiraling. Still as beautiful as ever, he's enraged that sweet, funny Maggie is alone and penniless with on one to protect her. But more than that, he's concerned about the risks she seems to take. In order to keep her safe and finally have her for himself, he makes a sensual deal: his help for her body. But will Maggie be able to let her inhibitions go and fall for the hard rider?
Due Date June 30th
Print: ebook, trade paperback
Pages: 288
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
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I've been binge watching Sons of Anarchy and find myself in need of some bad boy bikers in print as well.  I love Opal's writing (most of the time) and so I'm excited to finally get this one in print .  It was released from April to May as a serial. 

Are you getting any of these?? What's on your book lust list?? Share in the comments down below!!
Happy Lusting

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Book Excerpt: Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride by Kate Hardy | Bewitching Bibliophile

Book Title:  Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride
Author:  Kate Hardy| WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Format: Ebook, MM
Cost: $5.99
Pages: 256
How I got it: NetGalley
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |
Publication Date: August 2014
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A royal surprise! One look into the stranger's dark, mysterious eyes and Indigo Moran knows she's made a mistake in taking his picture. But who does he think he is? A prince? That night Indigo discovers that's exactly who he is: Crown Prince Lorenzo Torelli of Melvante. To Lorenzo, duty lies with his country—he can't offer Indigo forever. The trouble is…once he's kissed her, one unforgettable night will never be enough. And now Indigo's little secret is about to turn his carefully ordered world upside down!
She wasn't supposed to be there.

OK, Lorenzo knew that tourists were important. Without the income they brought when they visited the house and gardens of Edensfield Hall, his old school friend Gus would never have been able to keep his family's ancient estate going. Even keeping the roof of the house in good repair ate up huge chunks of the annual budget, let alone anything else.

But there were set times when the estate was open to the public. Right now wasn't one of them; the house and gardens were supposed to be completely private. Yet the woman in the shapeless black trousers and tunic top was brazenly walking through the grounds with a camera slung round her neck, stopping every so often to take a picture of something that had caught her eye. At that precise moment she was photographing the lake.

Strictly speaking, this was none of his business and he should just let it go.

But then the woman turned round, saw him staring at her, and snapped his photograph.

Enough was enough. He'd insist that she delete the file—or, if the camera was an old-fashioned one, hand over the film. He was damned if he was going to let a complete stranger make money out of photographing him in the grounds of Edens-field, on what was supposed to be private time. A couple of weeks to get his head together and prepare himself for the coronation.

Lorenzo walked straight over to her. 'Excuse me. You just took my photograph,' he said, not smiling.


At least she wasn't denying it. That would make things easier. 'Would you mind deleting the file from your camera?'

She looked surprised. 'What's the problem?'

As if she didn't know. Lorenzo Torelli—strictly speaking, His Royal Highness Prince Lorenzo Torelli of the principality of Melvante, on the border between Italy and France—was about to inherit the throne and start governing the kingdom next month, when his grandfather planned to abdicate. There had been plenty of stories about it in all the big European papers, all illustrated with his photograph, so no way could she claim she didn't know who he was. 'Your camera, please,' he said, holding his hand out.

'Afraid not,' she said coolly. 'I don't let people touch the tools of my trade.'

That surprised him. 'You're actually admitting you're a paparazzo?'

She scoffed. 'Of course I'm not. Why would the paparazzi want to take pictures of you?'

She had to be kidding. Did she really not know who he was? Did she live in some kind of bubble and avoid the news?

'I don't like my photograph being taken,' he said carefully. 'Besides, the estate isn't open to the public until this afternoon. If you'll kindly delete the file—and show me that you've deleted it—then I'll be happy to help you find your way safely out of the grounds until the staff are ready to welcome visitors.'

She looked at him and rolled her eyes. 'I'm not doing any harm.'

Lorenzo was used to people doing what he asked. The fact that she was being so stubborn about this when she was so clearly in the wrong annoyed him, and it was an effort for him to remain polite. Though he let his tone cool by twenty degrees. 'Madam, I'm afraid the house and grounds simply aren't open to visitors until this afternoon. Which means that right now you're trespassing.'

'Am I, now?' Those sharp blue eyes were filled with insolence.

'The file, please?' he prompted.

She rolled her eyes, took the camera strap from round her neck, changed the camera settings and showed the screen to him so that he could first of all see the photograph she'd taken, and then see her press the button to delete the file from her camera's storage card. 'OK. One deleted picture. Happy, now?'

'Yes. Thank you.'

'Right.' She inclined her head. 'Little tip from me: try smiling in future, sweetie. Because you catch an awful lot more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.'

And then she simply walked away.

Leaving Lorenzo feeling as if he was the one in the wrong.

The man was probably one of Gus's friends; he looked as if he was about the same age as Lottie's elder brother. And maybe he'd meant to be helpful; he'd clearly been trying to protect the family's privacy. Indigo knew she should probably have explained to him that she was a family friend who happened to be working on the house's restoration, not a trespassing tourist. Then again, it was none of his business what she was doing there, and his stick-in-the-mud attitude had annoyed her—especially when he'd accused her of being a paparazzo.

She'd only taken his photograph because she'd seen him striding around the grounds, scowling, and he'd looked like a dark angel. Something she could've used for work. It had been a moment's impulse. An expression on his face that had interested her. Attracted her. Made her wonder what he'd look like if he smiled.

But the way he'd reacted to her taking that photograph, snarling about people taking his photo without permission… Anyone would think he was an A-list celeb on vacation instead of some dull City banker.

What an idiot.

Indigo rolled her eyes again and headed for the house. Right now, work was more important. They were taking the window out of the library today and setting it in the workroom Gus had put aside for her in Edensfield Hall. Indigo had already made a short video for the hall's website to explain what was happening with the window, and she'd promised to write a daily blog with shots of the work in progress so the tourists could feel that they were part of the restoration process. And she didn't mind people coming over and asking her questions while she was working. She loved sharing her passion for stained glass.

And the stranger with the face of a fallen angel—well, he could do whatever he liked.

* * *

Lorenzo was still slightly out of sorts from his encounter with the paparazzo-who-claimed-she-wasn't by the time he went downstairs for dinner. When he walked into the drawing room, he was shocked to see her there among the guests. Except this time she wasn't wearing a shapeless black top and trousers: she was wearing a bright scarlet shift dress, shorter than anyone else's in the room. And they were teamed with red shoes that were glossier, strappier and had a higher heel than anyone else's in the room.

Look at me, her outfit screamed.

As if anyone would be able to draw their eyes away from her.

Especially as her hair was no longer pulled back in the severe hairdo of this afternoon; now, it was loose and cascaded over her shoulders in a mass of ebony ringlets. All she needed was a floor-length green velvet and silk dress, and she would've been the perfect model for a Rossetti painting.

Lorenzo was cross with himself for being so shallow; but at the same time the photographer was also one of the most beautiful women he'd ever met. He couldn't help acting on the need to know who she was and what she was doing here.

He just about managed a few polite words with Gus before drawling, 'So who's the girl in the red dress?' and inclining his head over towards the trespasser, as if he wasn't really that interested in the answer.

'Who?' Gus followed his glance and smiled.

'Oh, that's Indigo.'

How could Gus be so cool and calm around her? Lorenzo wondered. The woman made him feel hot under the collar, and he hadn't even spoken to her yet this evening.

'A friend of the family?' Lorenzo guessed.

'She's one of Lottie's best friends from school.'

Which was surprising; Indigo didn't look as if she came from the same kind of titled background that Gus and his sister did.

'Actually, she's here on business, too; she's restoring the stained glass in the library for us,' Gus explained. 'My mother's asked her to work up some ideas for a new stained-glass window, so she's been taking photographs of bits of the estate.'

Which explained why she saw her camera as one of the tools of her trade. Lorenzo felt the colour wash into his face. 'I see.'

'What did you do, Lorenzo?' Gus asked, looking amused.

'I saw her taking photos this afternoon and I thought she was a trespasser. I, um, offered to help her find her way out of the grounds,' Lorenzo admitted.

Gus laughed. 'I bet she gave you a flea in your ear. Our Indi's pretty much a free spirit. And she really doesn't like being ordered about.'

He grimaced. 'I think I'd better go and apologise.'

'Good idea. Otherwise you might be in danger of getting an Indi Special.'

'An Indi Special?' Lorenzo asked, mystified.

'Indi. Short for Indigo, not for independent. Though she's that, too.' Gus raised an eyebrow. 'Let's just say she's an original. I'll let Lottie introduce you.' He caught his sister's eye and beckoned her over. 'Lottie, be a darling and introduce Lorenzo to Indi, will you?'

'Sure. Have you two not met, yet?' Lottie tucked her arm into Lorenzo's and led him over to Indigo to introduce them. 'Indi, this is Lorenzo Torelli, a very old friend of the family.' She smiled. 'Lorenzo, this is Indigo Moran, who's just about the coolest person I know.'

Indigo laughed. 'That's only because you live in a world full of stuffed shirts, Lottie. I'm perfectly normal.'

Lorenzo looked at her and thought, no, you're not in the slightest bit normal—there's something different about you. Something special. 'Gus said you were at school with Lottie,' he said.

'Until she escaped at fourteen, lucky thing.' Lottie patted Indigo's arm. 'Indi was brilliant.

She drew caricatures of the girls who bullied me and plastered them over the school. It's a bit hard to be mean when everyone's pointing at you and laughing at your picture.'

Indigo shrugged. 'Well, they say the pen is mightier than the sword.'

'Your pen was sharper as well as mightier,' Lottie said feelingly.

Now Lorenzo understood what an 'Indi Special' was. A personal, public and very pointed cartoon. And he had a nasty feeling what she'd make of him, given what she'd said to Lottie about coming from a world full of stuffed shirts.

'Can I be terribly rude and leave you two to introduce yourselves to each other properly?' Lottie asked.

'Of course,' Indigo said.

Her smile took his breath away. And Lorenzo was surprised to find himself feeling like a nervous schoolboy. 'I, um, need to apologise,' he said.

She raised an eyebrow. 'For what?'

'The way I behaved towards you earlier today.'

She shrugged. 'Don't worry about it.'

But he did worry about it. Good manners had been instilled into him virtually from when he was in the pram. He was always polite. And he'd been rude to her. 'I didn't realise you were a friend of the family, too.' He looked at her. 'Though you could have explained.'

'Why? For all I knew, you could've been a trespasser, too.'

'Touché.' He enjoyed the fact that she was back-chatting him. After all the people who agreed with everything he said and metaphorically tugged their forelocks at him, he found her free-spirited attitude refreshing. 'Gus says you're restoring the glass in the library.'


'Forgive me for saying so, but you don't look like…' He stopped. 'Actually, no. Just ignore me. I'm digging myself a huge hole here.'

She grinned, and the sparkle in her eyes made his pulse speed up a notch. 'I don't look like a glass restorer, you mean? Or I don't look the type to have been at school with Lottie?'

Both. Ouch. He grimaced. 'Um. Do I have to answer that?'

She looked delighted. 'So, let me see. Which shall we do first? School, I think.' Her voice dropped into the same kind of posh drawl as Lottie's. 'I met her when we were eleven. We were in the same dorm. And unfortunately we shared it with Lolly and Livvy. I suppose we could've been the four musketeers—except obviously I don't have an L in my name.'

'And it sounds as if you wouldn't have wanted to fight on the same side as Lolly and Livvy.'

'Absolutely not.' Her eyes glittered and her accent reverted back to what he guessed was normal for her. 'I don't have any time for spitefulness and bullying.'

'Good.' He paused. 'And I hope you didn't think I was bullying you, this morning.'

'If you'll kindly delete the file,' she mimicked.

He grimaced. How prissy she'd made him sound. 'I did apologise for that.'

'So are you a film star, or something?'


'Well, you were acting pretty much like a D-list celeb, trying to be important,' she pointed out.

Should he tell her?

No. Because he didn't want her to lose that irreverence when she talked to him. He didn't think that Indigo Moran would bow and scrape to him; but he didn't want to take that risk. 'Guilty, m'lady,' he said lightly. 'Are you quite sure you're a glass restorer and not a barrister?'

She laughed. And, oh, her mouth was beautiful. He had the maddest urge to pull her into his arms and find out for himself whether her mouth tasted as good as it looked. Which was so not how he usually reacted to women. Lorenzo Torelli was always cool, calm and measured. He acted with his head rather than his heart, as he'd always been brought up to do. If you stuck to rigid formality, you always knew exactly where you were.

What was it about Indigo Moran that made him itch to break all his rules? And it was even crazier, because now absolutely wasn't the time to rebel against his upbringing. Not when he was about to become King of Melvante.

'I'm quite sure I'm a glass restorer. So were you expecting me to be about forty years older than I am, with a beard, John Lennon glasses, a bad haircut and sandals?'

Lorenzo couldn't help laughing. And then he realised that everyone in the room was staring at them.

'Sorry. I'm in the middle of making a fool of myself,' he said. 'Not to mention insulting Ms Moran here at least twice.'

'Call me Indigo,' she corrected quietly, and patted his shoulder. 'And he's making a great job of it,' she cooed.

'I, for one,' Gus's mother said with a chuckle, 'will look forward to seeing the drawing pinned up in the breakfast room.'

Indigo grinned. 'He hasn't earned one. Yet.'

'I'm working on it,' he said, enjoying the banter. How long had it been since he'd been treated with such irreverence?

Though a nasty thought whispered in his head: once he'd been crowned, would anyone ever treat him like this again, as if he was just an ordinary man? Would this be the last time?

'Indigo, may I sit with you at dinner?' he asked.

She spread her hands. 'Do what you like.'

Ironic. That was precisely what he couldn't do, from next month. He had expectations to fulfil. Schedules to meet. A country to run. Doing what he liked simply wasn't on the agenda. He would do what was expected of him. His duty.
Excerpted from Crown Prince, Pregnant Bride by Kate Hardy. Copyright © 2014 by Kate Hardy. Excerpted by permission of Harlequin. All right reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Book Adventures: A Haul & A Giveaway (CLOSED): Boston Author Event June 13th, 2015 .@tinareber Bewitching Bibliophile

Hi my loves,

This weekend I took the bus into Boston to go see an all-star lineup of authors that included Tammara Webber, Rebecca Donovan, J Sterling, Jessica Park, Tina Reber, Andrea Randall, Priscilla Glenn, Jillian Dodd, Julia Kent, Michelle Scot, Daisy Prescott, and Charles Sheehan Miles.  The event was organized by Lalone Marketing and was a mostly boutique author event.

Now I will readily admit, I was going to this event because Tammara and Rebecca where going to be there, as far as I remembered I hadn't read any of the other author's works.  Then I looked them up on the kindle and I actually had a few of the books on my shelf (this is what happens when you just keep clicking over several years).  So I made a game plan and a list and I was ready.  I bought my ticket online for $10 plus tax which came to $11.50. then I bought my bus ticket which was $61.00. And off we went.

I picked my ticket up from the Greyhound place a few days early just because I wanted to be prepared and it's a good thing I did too, I got there saturday morning at 6 am like they told me to and they didn't show up until 715 am.  The bus which was supposed to be at 7 am was late, when they looked it up the bus was delayed for two hours where ever the hell it was and that meant I was going to be late going into the city because it was going to be even longer getting there,  Had the bus arrived on time I would have arrived in Boston at 10 am and had plenty of time to walk around and even go to the Prudential Shopping Center (I'm so glad I decided to wait until I was there to purchase my Observation Deck ticket).  But I arrived in Boston at 130 pm when the event started at 12 and Copley Place was on the other side of the South Street Station, not far but with the Gay Pride Parade going on and streets closed to traffic it took an extra $7 in riding around to get to where we needed to go. I'm so not happy with Greyhound and of course lodged a complaint with the Boston Station.

So this adventure wasn't off to the greatest start and I hoped like heck I wasn't going to be on the back of the longest line known to man, however, being late (not my fault) was advantageous in that I missed most of the early rush and had time to talk to the authors without having to sign and run.  The books can be purchased from the authors, with either cash or credit card.  You could also bring books from home, but since I don't own their books in physical form I didn't have any to bring with me beyond Left Drowning by Jessica Park.

The room was set up in a circle and when you entered Jessica Park was the first author to greet you, then Andrea Randall/Charles Sheenan Miles who shared a booth, then Tina Reber, followed by Priscila Glenn, then Jillian Dodd, then Rebecca Donovan, and Daisy Prescott, Julia Kent and the last one before the door was J Sterling and she would be the last author you talk to before heading out into the little water cooler area.  I loved the setup because there would be no backflow and traffic only had one way in and one way out so no skipping here.  I brought cards to share with the authors so they would learn about the blog and the youtube channel.

Once I made it to the Marriott at Copley Place, I was greeted by the great staff at the front and of course, an awesome concierge who made the directions I had written down easy and understandable since I was flustered and afraid I was going to miss it.  I went up the escalator ( and now that I think about it I should have taken pictures of the beautiful lobby and hanging lights, oh well), and right in front of me was the check-in booth, you showed them your ticket (apparently these women were volunteers for the event and locals) and any books that you have brought from home.  I only brought my copy of Left Drowning by Jessica Park which I got at BEA 2013, I got her to sign it for me and chatted for a few minutes then I moved on.

I walked into the room and was greeted first by Jessica Park, after that the first person I went to because I had a choice was Priscilla Glenn, (I skipped around I know) There I got her to sign Emancipating Andie for me and I purchased it from her.

Then I moved on to Jillian Dodd, since I own her books in ebook form I had her sign my author book

and it was gorgeously done.  She has the most amazing dress on and I totally love it!!

I moved on to Rebecca Donovan who had a great booth, with tons of swag and things, and I purchased the Breathing series and talked about tattoos with her and her booth mate.

I enjoyed myself then I moved past Daisy who had several women she was talking to, and then I went onto Julia Kent. I spent the most amount of time with Julia, we talked about her books, sexual fluidity, our favorite authors, and fave books, including Diana Gabaldon & the Outlander series.   I loved meeting with her and getting the background of the series that was started, I have her books in ebook form then so I had her send me the second book in this new series in trade form and she will sign it for me. Can't get any better than that.

Then I moved on to J Sterling, and I love her potty mouth, she had an awesome headband and she made me laugh, she shared some great stories about her time in Boston and we got along really well laughing about her adventures and her reason for writing her books.  Yep, I had a blast.  I purchased The Perfect Game and picked up some baseball charm swag that I'm going to make into a bookmark on ribbon.  Then as a gift she gave me Seeing Stars which she said was inspired by a trip to see Drake in concert and she was upset that he didn't see her in the audience and immediately fall in love with her. I never laughed so much with someone about something so simple but she is such a great storyteller if her books are like this then I'm going to love them.

Then I went back to the authors I skipped including Andrea Randall who I purchased In the Stillness from her and talked with her for a while as well. Charles was also there and we talked for a bit, I didn't get anything from him because I only had enough left for Tina's book (oops, I wasn't really supposed to spend so much but oh well, that's what the internet is for).

Then I move on to Tina and we talked about travel and books and her plans for the rest of the year.  I got Jacked because I have the other books in ebook form and I wanted the other books but she had sold it right before I got there.  I can't wait to get into it because it sounds awesome.

And that was it, I headed out after and ate at California Pizza Kitchen,  (which was an adventure all of its own), I had a good server named Sam, and I was unfortunately seated near the table that the staff was eating at and learnt more about one of the female servers than I ever want to know about someone whose name I don't know. I really think she was doing it because I was there too, because before she was quiet and now that I was sitting and eating and not looking at them she kept getting loud and talking wild when the manager would go over to talk to them she never talked that loud and they were all talking and laughing.  Her constant "that's racist, that's racist" in a high-pitched voice made me want to slap her so bad, bigotry is different from racist, if you don't know the meaning don't use the word. UGHHHHHHH.  Totally didn't impress me on my first trip there.  Also when another table was seated in the section she tones all the way the hell down.  So I know she knew exactly what she was doing.   I finished eating then I went roaming around the Prudential Mall then headed back to the Marriott to get a cab then wait for my bus home.

It was an eventful day and I enjoyed it despite all the screw-ups that had nothing to do with me. I can't explain how annoyed I get when something goes so wrong and it wasn't because I didn't plan properly or I was late.  I did my part, they really needed to have done theirs, and yeah the driver apologized but that doesn't help that I was two hours behind.

Boston was still amazing to see and even more beautiful than I remember.  I can't wait to go back, this time I'm taking the train.

Have you had any bookish adventures lately?? Share in the comments down below please and we can talk about them.  What books did you get recently??  Are you going to Chicago in November?? I am, it's close to my birthday so this will be my present to myself. I bought my ticket already and I'm buying my airfare later today because it's cheap.  Check it out here

Good Luck to all participants!!  Win an Autographed Copy of JACKED and various bookswag from Tina Reber!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you enjoyed my wrap up. Share down below what you have read and let me know if you're from Boston and what I should do when I go back in July.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Book Review: The Major's Faux Fiancee (Dukes of War 4) by Erica Ridley .@ericaridley | Bewitching Bibliophile

Book Title: The Major's Faux Fiancee (Dukes of War 4)
Author:  Erica Ridley |WebsiteTwitterFacebook| Youtube
Publisher: Intrepid Reads
Genre: Historical Romance
Series/Standalone: Series Book 4
Format: ebook
Cost: $2.99
Pages: 250
How I got it: NetGalley
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Apple iBooks
Publication Date: June 1, 2015
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When Major Bartholomew Blackpool learns the girl-next-door from his childhood will be forced into an unwanted marriage, he returns home to play her pretend beau. He figures now that he's missing a leg, a faux fiancée is the best an ex-soldier can get. He admires her pluck, but the lady deserves a whole man—and he'll ensure she gets one. Miss Daphne Vaughan hates that crying off will destroy Major Blackpool's chances of finding a real bride. She plots to make him jilt her first. Who cares if it ruins her? She never wanted a husband anyway. But the major is equally determined that she break the engagement. With both of them on their worst behavior, neither expects their fake betrothal to lead to love...
I loved the book. It's my favorite of the series so far.  It was pretty awesome follow up to the others in the series.  I liked the full on meet with the character everyone was talking about.  The pirate was hilarious and what a character he was. I can't wait to read whatever book he is involved in, he seems pretty wacky and I can't believe we only got a few glimpses of him.  His book is going to be awesome (hopefully she is writing one for him because we need one).

As the guardian of Miss Daphne a girl hell-bent on staying single because it's the only way she can help save the world (yeah I'ma let her have that one, because okay girl).  the Pirate known throughout England is not at all happy to have her on his hands, He makes his position clear to Daphne married by Sunday or Bedlam.  Miss Daphne begs her childhood friend for help and from there we get one of the funniest historical stories I have read in a long time.

I loved this one so much.  I laughed so hard when the former friends met up at the wedding, I loved the conversation between Major Blackpool & Captain Grey especially when they discuss Major's cavat it was awesome.  That interaction was so much fun.  I loved how they were in their own heads and how much fun they had challenging each other and at the same working towards their common goals.

I really loved how he kept pointing out that her view was too narrow but she couldn't seem to get it. She kept saying some really stupid stuff because she was so certain she was so righteous.  I loved how as her friends still loved her and still wanted her to succeed even though she wasn't always the most amazing friend.

I really enjoyed it. And the character growth and progression was amazing to read.  I loved how both characters learnt and kept going through changes as the story went on.  The conversations were good, and I loved that even though he was a character who was crippled it didn't really stop Daphne from seeing as a man.  He had so much growth to do, because his family blamed him for the loss of his twin, he is too blamed himself and had so much guilt for not being a better brother that you couldn't help but feel for him.  The 'failures' that he saw and that others didn't seem to see at first were so heartbreaking,  especially when Daphne stopped being so stuck up and began to realize that Bart had a few insecurities due to his leg loss.

Those final scenes though?? Man listen I just kept looking at the page countdown and freaking out like no she hasn't solved it yet, it can't be done.  I can't wait until the other books come out, especially the next one because it's supposed to be a douzie for the friends and especially for ...well no telling would be a spoiler.
Have you read a good regency lately?? Share in the comments down below and we can talk about them.  Thanks for stopping by my loves and Happy Reading

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday (June 2015) (24): A New Hope by Robyn Carr | Bewitching Bibliophile

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  

Adult Fiction/ Romance / Erotica

A New Hope ( Thunder Point 8) by Robynn Carr
Starting over is never easy, but in Thunder Point, where newcomers are welcome and friends become family, it's possible to find yourself again. In this brand-new story, #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr takes us on a moving and rewarding journey as a young woman finds new hope. After losing her child, Ginger Dysart was lost in grief. But since moving to Thunder Point, a small town on the Oregon coast, and with the help of her cousin Ray Anne, Ginger is finally moving forward. Her job at the flower shop is peaceful and fulfilling, and she's excited to start her first big assignment, assisting with the Lacoumette wedding. In spite of her lasting heartache, Ginger finds herself swept up in the pleasure of the occasion. But the beauty of the Lacoumette farm and the joy of the gregarious family are ruined by an unfortunate encounter with the bride's brother, Matt. Struggling with painful memories of his own recent divorce, Matt makes a drunken spectacle of himself and Ginger when he tries to make a pass at her, forcing Ginger to flee the scene in embarrassment. But when Matt shows up at the flower shop determined to make amends, what started out as a humiliating first meeting blossoms into something much deeper than either of them expected. Discovering they have a lot in common, they form a solid friendship, though everyone around them worries that Ginger will end up with a broken heart yet again. But if Ginger has the courage to embrace the future, and if Matt can finally learn to let go of the past, there may still be hope for a happy ending.
Due Date: June 30th
Print: ebook, Mass Market Paperback
Pages: 400
Publisher: HQN Mira
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I've been a fan of this series ever since she started it. I love Thunder Point,a nd each time I go back it gets better. I can't wait to get this one as well and just take a nice jaunt back to the seaside town.

Are you getting this?? What's on your book lust list?? Share in the comments down below!!
Happy Lusting