Sunday, October 25, 2015

Chicago Author Event In November

Hi My loves

How y'all doing??  Well I'm super excited about this new author event. Remeber when I went to Boston?? Yeah this is going to be even better for several reasons,  You see November is my birthday month and my present to myself will be going to this the weekend before my birthday.  I'm in Chicago for the event and then I'll be heading home right after that.

If you're going to be in the area and attending the event, let me know.  I'd love to hang out with anyone from the area.  And maybe go book shopping.

I'm excited to go because Jay Crownover is going to be there, so is Jennifer L Armentrout, and a few others, including, Alice Clayton, Jillian Dodd, Cora Carmack, KA Tucker and Jenn Sterling (these are just he few names I recognize) there are so many more, I'm not sure where else they are going to be, but the link to the compank is here.

I will be vlogging the event, adn sharing on my youtube, just like I did the Boston event and I can't wait to see what they will have in store for us.

See in November and until then, Happy Reading my loves

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Book #Review: Dark Crime (Carpathian Series 27 ) by Christine Feehan ..@AuthorCFeehan

Book Title: Dark Crime (Dark Saga 27) (Edge Of Darkness)
Author:  Christine Feehan |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Jove
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: MM paperback
Cost: $7.99
Pages: 216
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date:
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Dark Crime by Christine Feehan Blaze knows who killed her father and she has merciless plans for payback. Until a phone call from a seductive stranger pleads with her to wait. Retribution is in his blood, too. Now, he and Blaze will be united in the blood of the guilty. Tonight, vengeance is theirs.
I loved this story way better than Dark Curse which came after the events of this one. But unlike Dark Curse, this one gave us so much more about the over-arcing story.  We meet some fo the ancients form Dark Curse that were mentioned and learned even more about what the vampires are up to.

I really loved Blaze because she was strong willed and fun, and knew going in that she wasn't going to be easily swayed from her task. She was bent on revenge and in her desire to make sure they all paid for their crimes, enlisted (without knowing she was doing so the help of her lifemate). And from there the story becomes one action packed moment after another.

I really enjoyed this one because we got so much more than the couple's coming together, we got some mystery, a glimpse of the world that the vampires have been building and learnt about somuch more about the Carpathians and their weaknesses in the face of this war.

I think had this book been it's own story and not just a novella, we would have had one hell of a story, I can't wait to see whats going to happen with those that they rescued, and who will be the lifemate for her best friend.  I want to know what happens to all those Carpathians, and how will the battle between the undead and the hunters go. I want to know what happened in that room, and how deep does this mystery really go. It's going to be interesting, hopefully the next few books will give us those answers.

I really enjoyed this novella, and now onto the other books in the anthology, it's going to be awesome sauce because the next book is by Maggie Shayne!!!  Happy Reading

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday (W.O.W) 42: The Queen by Tiffany Reisz, Iron Warrior by Julie Kagawa, & Darkest at Dawn by Maya Banks

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  

Young Adult/New Adult

Iron Warrior by Julie Kagawa 
The Iron Prince—my nephew—betrayed us all. He killed me. Then, I woke up. Waking after a month on the brink of death, Ethan Chase is stunned to learn that the Veil that conceals the fey from human sight was temporarily torn away. Although humankind's glimpse of the world of Faery lasted just a brief moment, the human world has been cast into chaos, and the emotion and glamour produced by fear and wonder has renewed the tremendous power of the Forgotten Queen. Now, she is at the forefront of an uprising against the courts of Summer and Winter—a reckoning that will have cataclysmic effects on the Nevernever. Leading the Lady's Forgotten Army is Keirran himself: Ethan's nephew, and the traitor son of the Iron Queen, Meghan Chase.To stop Keirran, Ethan must disobey his sister once again as he and his girlfriend, Kenzie, search for answers long forgotten. In the face of unprecedented evil and unfathomable power, Ethan's enemies must become his allies, and the world of the fey will be changed forevermore.
Due Date: October 27th
Print: Paperback
Pages: 384
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
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Adult Fiction/ Romance / Erotica

Darkest Before Dawn (KGI) by Maya Banks
THE ALL-NEW KGI NOVEL from the “incredibly awesome" (Jaci Burton) #1 New York Times bestselling author of When Day Breaks. The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business. Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background. Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the U.S. government can’t... The enigmatic Hancock has been both opponent and ally to the KGI teams for as long as they've known him. Always working a deep game, Hancock's true allegiance has never been apparent, but one thing is for certain—he never lets anything get in the way of duty. But now, his absolute belief in the primacy of his ultimate goal is challenged by a captive he's been ordered to guard, no matter how much she suffers in her prison. She's the only woman who's ever managed to penetrate the rigid walls surrounding his icy heart, but will he allow his perplexing feelings for the beautiful victim to destroy a mission he's spent years working to complete or will he be forced to sacrifice her for “the greater good.”
Due Date:  Berkley
Print: Mass Market
Pages: 384
Publisher: Berkley
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The Queen by Tiffany Reisz
Once upon a time, Nora and Søren made a fateful deal—if he gave her everything, she would give him forever. The time has finally come to keep their promises. Out of money and out of options after her year-long exile, Eleanor Schreiber agrees to join forces with Kingsley Edge, the king of kink. After her first taste of power as a Dominant, Eleanor buries her old submissive self and transforms into Mistress Nora, the Red Queen. With the help of a mysterious young man with a job even more illicit than her own, Nora squares off against a cunning rival in her quest to become the most respected, the most feared Dominatrix in the Underground. While new lovers and the sweet taste of freedom intoxicate Nora, she is tempted time and time again by Søren, her only love and the one man who refuses to bow to her. But when Søren accepts a new church assignment in a dangerous country, she must make an agonizing choice—will the queen keep her throne and let her lover go, or trade in her crown for Søren's collar? With a shattering final confession, the last link in the chain is forged in The Original Sinners saga. It's the closing chapter in a story of salvation, sacrifice and the multitude of scars we collect in the name of ecstasy—and love.
Due Date: October 27
Print: Paperback
Pages: 400
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
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Are you getting any of these?? What's on your book lust list?? Share in the comments down below!!
Happy Lusting

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Book #Review: Dark Ghost (Carpathian Series ) by Christine Feehan .@AuthorCFeehan

Book Title: Dark Ghost (Carpathian 28)
Author:  Christine Feehan |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Berkley Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Format: Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle Ebook
Cost: $7.99
Pages: 368
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication DateSeptember 2015
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In the new novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling “queen of paranormal romance,” (J.R. Ward) a wounded warrior and a woman on the run find salvation, passion and unimaginable danger in the ghostly darkness of the Carpathian Mountains… He wasn’t civilized or tame. He had his own code and he lived by it. Monk. Bounty hunter. Vampire slayer. Andre Boroi has spent centuries battling the undead, holding out against the dark with honor. But now, gravely wounded by master vampire Costin Popescu, Andre will be easy to track—his spilled blood marking the killing trail for Popescu and his hungry band of underlings. Andre’s only chance is to disappear into the gray mist of the Carpathians. To wait. To hope. She had a healing touch and a scent that was his lifeblood. In the mountains in search of a precious crystal, geologist Teagan Joanes suddenly finds herself hunted by those she once trusted. Then she comes across the warrior—wounded, wanting and irresistible. Andre has been craving her for an eternity: his lifemate. Her warmth envelops him. Her scent pulsates. And with every beat of her heart, Teagan surrenders to a passion she can’t possibly comprehend. Now they are bound by destiny, but is it enough to keep them safe from a stalking, relentless darkness that threatens to swallow them alive?

I can't begin to explain how disappointed I am, I expected so much more from this book than I got.  It took way longer to read than it should have considering it's only 312 pages, and considering the novella that comes before this is 216 pages and that's in a smaller cheaper book I'm not amused that this is a hardcover and cost almost 27 dollars. Nope not amused at all.

So this book is following Teagan who is supposed to be a biracial American girl in the Carpathian mountains with a guy she considers a friend. They are old college buddies and it's not until they get deep into the mountains that his love to murder women comes out. Yeah she's so screwed but she's got a head on her shoulders and fights back and get out.  She's got an amazing gift and in her hurry to hide from her stalker finds a cave covered in a spell that she unravels and takes refuge in and it's there she makes the discovery of a lifetime.

As the story builds we are repeatedly told over and over again so much about her family that I get the feeling this book is really a filler or an explanation for the book coming in the future.  We are also told she's going to be the hope of the men in the hidden in the monastery and yet we aren't given any indication of what the 'hope ' she can give the men is.

Teagan doesn't feel like an African American at all, she doesn't use any colloquialism or any old sayings that a woman who is raised by her grandmother would use, she doesn't have any of the reactions that an American should be having to seeing a vampire for the first time, and just beyond that she's almost a cardboard cut out and that's just disappointing.  I was so annoyed by the biting of the lip thing that kept being mentioned over and over and over and over again  it just became too repetitive and annoying.  To me it felt like Christine had heard that the biting of the lip thing was big in fifty shades of grey and decided that was something she should throw in her books. It's so annoying.

This books should've have been a novella instead of a hardcover novel because it's really just a filler book which sole purpose was to expand the world of the Carpathians and introduce us to the monks in the monastery.  Having read the synopsis for the other book I get the feeling one of these men going to be the man courting Gabrielle or even be the man who meets the Grandmother.

We learnt a lot about her grandmother and her family and you have to wonder if she got his talent from her mother or her mysterious father, was he really Razvan like in Colby's case?? Or was it something from her mother's side of the family, things that should have mattered where not discussed but stupid things I didn't care about got repeated over and over again, like her fearsome glare that she uses on her in laws and her rowdy nephew. Like what?? Why??

Yeah I found myself almost not wanting to continue the book because yeah no not feeling it. but I'm finished and I'm now completely caught up and that's one book goal for the year complete. Yayy
I'm not sure I could recommend this one, I would say only if you have read the series then you can add it on, but don't let this one be your first read.  Happy Reading

Monday, October 19, 2015

Book #Review: Dark Blood (Carpathian Series 26) Christine Feehan .@AuthorCFeehan

Book Title: Dark Blood ( Carpathian Series 26)
Author:  Christine Feehan |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Berkley Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: ebook, Hardcover, Mass Market
Cost:   $7.99 , $26.95, $ 7.99
Pages: 432
How I got it: Borrowed From The Library
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: September 2, 2014
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At long last you are truly back with us… Zev Hunter was an elite warrior, a dark-blood dealer of death to rogue Lycans who preyed on mankind. He was a loner, never given to personal attachments, and damned fierce at his job. But Zev begins to question his past and his purpose when he awakens in the darkness of the sacred cave of warriors—and is soothed back to consciousness by the sensuously familiar voice of one woman, the woman who has haunted his fantasies for centuries. She was Branislava, member of the Dragonseeker clan… Mother Earth called the ancients to witness your rebirth… For this half-mage, half-Carpathian temptress, the ritual of awakening Zev to the council of warriors was the only way to save him. Locked away for his own protection, the time has now come for his rebirth, for his blood to stir with that of the ancient warriors before him. He has been assured by Branislava that their fates are entwined, that their spirits are woven together for eternity and that his new purpose in life is beyond imagining. Now, with a blood-sworn vow of honor, mercy and endurance, and under the influence of a siren as bewitching as Branislava, Zev begins to wonder what his purpose is, what it means for the future of the Carpathians and what it is about his rebirth that he has to fear…
I finished this book in two days, I stayed up way too late to finish it too. I fought sleep because I wanted to read this one so bad, I'm so mad I listened to all the naysayers who said this one sucked, it didn't it was amazeballs, and I found myself enjoying way more than I have enjoyed any of the others in while, this had so many great moments that I needed to finish it.

I found myself laughing out loud while reading this, and really reading so I could know just what was on the next page, what adventure was waiting and how far these villains thought they could go before the good prevailed.  I was thoroughly intrigued and loved that in this one story, the woman was the best of the best and that once again the circle of women became the greatest assets that the warriors had.  I really love Zev, even if he is a little bit kinkier than I personally liked, his woman loved it so to each their own I guess.  I know that moment might upset some so there are going to be trigger warnings for those who might need it.  Also I must issues a trigger warning for those who might need it, most of that happens off screen but if reading about violence and what happens when psychopaths reign then you might want to skim those pages.

Braka grew up with her sister trapped within the ice walls as her father used and abused as many people as he could, his evil knew no bounds and he had accomplices that made him seem tame compared to them, and it's here that Braka must return, to face the past before she can even begin to consider a true future.

I really enjoyed the coming together of these two, especially because we knew it was going to happen, but also because they were from different clans and much like MaryAnn & Manolito they were a inter-species relationship.  Bronnie (to her family and Braka to her mate) unknowingly became her father's greatest pupil, trapped as she was, she was witness to all his crimes, all his experiments and all his spells, he gave her lessons and never even knew it, and this makes her his greatest enemy.  As the story unfolds, we get to see a great mixing of the clans, and picked up right were the books previously left off, we hang out with Dimitri and Skyler ( who we learn even more about her family lineage and where she really comes from), see even more of Fen and Tati (Bronnie's sister), work closely with the Prince (why isn't he called the King, he's not waiting to rule he is the ruler of his people) and even get some screen time with Gregori (who is by the way my fave out of all of them).  The scary De La Cruz brothers come to call and we see a fave who almost die come into the fold.

This was just as much a book about the over arcing story as it was a bit of a reunion story as well.  Even as the world around them expands and the bigger mystery is shown, we also learn even more about the Carpathians and their traditions, we see so much more from the lycans and realize that sadly racism isn't just a human flaw.

I loved reading the adventure from both Zev and Braka's views, loved that Braka had to fight more than Zev did, that she was the one who could save them all, that this time she was the one with the knowledge and the know how, that even with all the extra that made Zev the ultimate Alpha, he still had to take his ques from his lifemate.  I really enjoyed see the different relationships, and loved how the men embraced Zev and shared with him.  I loved seeing that the brand of leadership that makes Mikhail their Prince isn't an easy brand to bear.  Mikhail literally houses the energy that makes his people who they are if he falls, then so do the people. It's why so many have tried to come for him.  Gregori and his clan have protected the Prince and his clan since the beginning of their people and they literally are together the most unstoppable force ever, and even in the children can this be seen.

I loved the glimpses of the future that we are getting in seeing the children, and how they are growing, learning and changing.  I loved that the families are starting to expand, that each couple is finding a way to not only carry to term, but ti keep their children alive, it's a part of the plan to exterminate them that they are starting to beat.  I loved seeing them not just at war but learning to come back together as a people, embracing their differences, and their talents.  I really loved seeing the re-emergence of thier Culture and their traditions, it's awesome to see them try to keep from going under, and that makes the difference.  Hope really makes the difference.

This was a great book to read, not just because the whole gang was there, but because of the healing that takes place for Braka, and for Tati and Skyler.  It's amazing to read the changes that are coming and knowing that there are even more stories to come from the expanding worlds.  I can't wait to see how they battle the next evil coming for them, and I like knowing that they very well might win this war.

I'm hoping that we get stories from Andre, Luiz, Matais, and the other men mentioned, it would be really cool if the wolves could find mates among them as well.

Now I've got to go read the latest one which will make me totally caught up on my Christine Feehan challenge. yassss!!!
Have you read the Dark series?? Are you enjoying them as well?? Share what you thought of Dark Blood in the comments my love and I will see you tomorrow and of course as always, Happy Reading

Friday, October 16, 2015

Book #Spotlight & #Giveaway: My Secret To Tell by Natalie D RIchards .@Sourcebooks

Book Title: My Secret To Tell
Author:  Natalie Richards |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Series/Standalone: Standalone
Format: Trade paperback
Cost: $9.99
Pages: 320
How I got it: Book Expo America
Purchase: Amazon Barnes & Noble | BAM
Publication Date: October 2015
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His smile is a crime. Emerson May is “the good girl.” She’s the perfect daughter, the caring friend, the animal shelter volunteer. But when her best friend’s brother breaks into her room, his hands covered in blood, she doesn’t scream or call the cops. Because when Deacon smiles at her, Emmie doesn’t want to be good… The whole town believes notorious troublemaker Deacon is guilty of assaulting his father. Only Emmie knows a secret that could set him free. But if she follows her heart, she could be trusting a killer… You can’t always trust the boy next door.


My name lands somewhere between a hiccup and a sob, and my feet stall out on the sidewalk in front of my house. I adjust my grip on the phone, hoping I misheard her tone. This doesn’t sound like Chelsea. This voice is breathless.
“I’m here,” I say. “What’s up? You don’t sound right.”
“I’m not.” She takes a shuddery breath.
My shirt’s sticking to my back and cicadas are click-buzzing the end of another blistering day, but I go cold. Something’s wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
“It’s my dad, Emmie,” she says. I can tell she’s crying.
I grab my chest. It’s too tight. Burning. “What happened?”
Her words all tumble out on top of one another, interrupted by shaky breaths. I try to pick out pieces that make sense. “He’s hurt—bleeding—we’re behind the ambulance and I can’t—he’s not—someone attacked him.”
I start climbing the porch steps, because she’ll need me. I’m her best friend, so I should be there. I need to change clothes and go. “You’re on the way to the hospital, right? They’ll help him there.”
Another sharp breath. “I don’t know if they can. He’s so bad. So bad.”
My heart clenches. “Where are you?”
“We’re almost there. Joel’s with me.”
“Okay, good. I’m coming,” I say, crossing my porch and hauling my front door open. “Let me just call Mom. I’ll borrow the car.”
Chelsea’s still crying when I storm down the hallway toward my bedroom.
“Emmie, I can’t find Deacon…”
“Your brother never answers his phone,” I say, pushing open my door. “I’ll run by the docks first and—”
“No. No, he was there. He was at the house.”
Chelsea makes a strangled sound, and I notice the liquid-thick heat in my bedroom. The kind of heat that tells me the air conditioner is broken. Or my window is open.
My gaze drags to my fluttering white curtains, to the dark smudge on the windowsill.
Chelsea’s voice goes low and raspy. “He ran, Emmie. God, he was there with Dad. He was in the house, but he ran.”
I swivel with an invisible fist lodged in my throat. My bathroom door is open, a red-black smudge beneath the knob.
My mouth goes dry, my pulse thumping slower than it should. Then I see the blood on the floor by my sink, and my heart tumbles end over end.
“We’re here. I’ll call soon,” Chelsea says and hangs up.
I see him, his back to my tub and his dark head bowed on one bent knee. Oh God.
He’s covered in blood. It’s on his legs, his hands. Dripping onto my white tile floor. He looks up, and my heart goes strangely steady.

I take a breath that tastes like purpose. “Deacon?”
a Rafflecopter giveaway

My review will be up soon and I am enjoying the heck out of this story and I know will you too. And Good luck to all who enter. 

Happy Reading

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Book #Review: Dark Demon (Carpathian # 16 ) by Christine Feehan .@AuthorCFeehan

Book Title: Dark Demon (Dark 16)
Author:  Christine Feehan |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Jove Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: Trade paperback
Cost: $9.99
Pages: 500
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: March 28, 2006
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Christine Feehan has worked magic on a legion of fans with her darkly thrilling Carpathian tales. Now she delivers the provocative story of a female vampire slayer who proves as seductive--and mysterious--as the night dwellers she stalks... For as long as she can remember, Natalya has been fighting demons: first in the form of childhood nightmares, then later, immortal creatures that kill and prey on the innocent--including her own twin brother. Whether Carpathian or vampire, she slays those who murder by night, and has no equal--until she is seduced by the ve thing she considers her enemy... A Carpathian who has seen nearly everything in his endless existence, Vikirnoff doesn't think he can be surprised anymore--until he faces a woman who rival him as a vampire hunter. A formidable and gifted warrior in her own right, Natalya has a nature that is strange familiar--yet alien--to his own. Who is this mysterious female who fears no one--not even him? Natalya could the key to the survival of the Carpathians, but a Vikirnoff is certain of is that she is the key to his hear and soul...
This is one of the bigger books in the series and perhaps that was why I was hesitant to read it.  But then when I couldn't find it in me to read one more contemporary I realized that I was in the perfect mood to read it.  I blew through this one really quickly.  I both loved this one and had issues as well. The idea that she's so unique when we know that there are other women who hunt??  Yeah she's unique because every woman is unique but she's not the first female hunter.  We got to see her in Dark Secret when she showed up to help Colby and we were introduced to the De La Cruz brothers.

But then I remember that I read the other books before this one so he wouldn't know about the others yet.  I gotta remember I'm ahead in the reading order. I loved that we got a bit of a reunion in this one and got to see the families as they get to know one another.  There are more pieces of the over arcing mystery that is unfolding for them. as everyone is beginning to see that this isn't just the vampires banding together but them getting help from someone just as powerful and just as motivated to see the Carpathians come to an end.

I truly feel for her because she has been corrupted even more than Aiden's girl I was. We saw somewhat of the corruption in Dark Destiny with Nik's lifemate having been tagged, and we now know that the Society has been using science along with vampire magic to make themselves even  more nefarious, but it's in Dark Demon that the whole story starts to come together, we meet several new characters, we explore more of the ice world, we learn much of history of the peoples, and of Natalya's time and when you read the other books and look back at this one you see how much she is loved, because someone makes the ultimate sacrifice so that she and another may live.

As I've said I've already read ahead in the books and already know more about the 'mystery' than they do, so I know how it's being worked out, but it was good to get the tiny story pieces I was missing, A few things that I didn't understand from later books are explained and we see the beginning of some new relationships and see the ground work of the next books being set.

This is where we begin to return to the caves we saw in Dark Descent, we see the caves and learn more about history of the Carpathians and the Mages, we also see the beginning of the war and what led to the different races becoming what they are in later books.  Natalya came from a long line of the Carpathians the Dragonseekers and she is also part Mage, she is unaware of her true connection because she has run from all of them, it's the only way she's managed to stay alive.

I really enjoyed the way Vikirnoff and Natalya came together, she was witty, funny and sarcastic, she never once forgot that she was a full woman herself and not just Vik's lifemate.  She refused to leave Vik in the caves as she loved to put it, she was great at talking to him and getting him to I really loved the buildup as the story went along.  The one thing I didn't like was Natalya's refusal to think that perhaps there was more to the story of her brother, but when you considered what happened to her and all the things that have been done to her, you can see the struggle to not want to see her twin as the monster the others have seen him as.

Vik was as funny as his brother kept saying. He was a really good guy and he saw way more than others gave him credit for and I loved that he was so in love with Nat.

This is a really good story, especially because I read the stories of the bothers back to back.  Another great addition to the series.  Perhaps even the best one yet.


Happy Reading and of course can't wait to get to the next one.  

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Waiting On Wednesday (W.O.W) 41: Shy Talent by Bianca D'Arc & Otherworld Secrets by Kelley Armstrong

Hosted by: Jill over at Breaking The Spines.  This is a weekly book lust prompt, asking for us to share our absolute can't wait to get our hands on a copy books. Swing on over to find out how to participate and to see what others are sharing.  

Young Adult/New Adult

Otherworld Secrets by Kelley Armstrong 
The next Otherworld anthology from #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong... More than a decade after Kelley Armstrong first opened the doors to the Otherworld, fans are still clamoring for more. In response to their demands—and to coincide with the Syfy Network show based on the series—Plume has signed up three Otherworld anthologies, each of which revolves around a different theme. The second in the trilogy, Otherworld Secrets, features fan-favorites such as Cassandra, Savannah, and Adam in rare and neverbefore- published short stories—plus a brand new novella. Fans old and new will flock to this mystery-themed volume to discover the deepest secrets of this captivating world. Anthology Contents 1) Life After Theft – new Hope/Karl novella 2) Forbidden – Subterranean Press 2012 Elena/Clay novella 3) Angelic – Subterranean Press 2009 Eve/Kristof novella 4) Zen and the Art of Vampirism – Zoe novella from Subterranean Press’s long-sold out “A Fantasy Medley” 5) The Ungrateful Dead – Jaime short story from “Blood Lite” anthology 6) Counterfeit Magic – Subterranean Press 2010 Paige/Lucas novella
Due Date: October 6th, 2015 
Print: ebook, paperback 
Pages: 416
Publisher: Orbit
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Two Kelley books in one year, girl my life is set. I'm so happy right now.

Adult Fiction/ Romance / Erotica

Shy Talent (StarLords 3) by Bianca D'Arc
Promoted to StarLord and Captain of his own ship, Agnor hand-picks his crew for the mission of a lifetime behind enemy lines and straight into the fire… Bettsua isn’t used to being noticed. Her Talent is a little wild sometimes and just lately, her telekinesis has been ranging off the charts. She doesn’t want anyone to know, but Agnor notices and asks her to join his crew. She jumps at the chance to get away from home, but Agnor has more in mind than merely helping her with her wayward Talent. The new StarLord sees something in Bettsua that attracts him in ways he has never experienced before. On a desperate mission to discover how the enemy collective holds the minds of so many people enslaved, will Ag and Bet be able to keep their minds on business and their hands off each other long enough to learn the secret of the blue crystals? * Warning: Agnor’s ship is a training ground for Talent, battle skills, and the art of love. The lessons he teaches sometimes involve multiple partners and wild situations, not for the faint of heart.
Due Date:  October 13, 2015
Print: ebook
Pages: 116
Publisher: Smashwords Edition
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It's a new book from Bianca, escuse me while I scream into this pillow, I can't believe it, it's a new book, y'all.  Now move out my way while I click this button and get this book. 

Ms. Manwhore by Katy Evans 
Katy Evans returns with a sexy novella, the final installment of the unforgettable love story that began in MANWHORE. What lies ahead for Chicago's most envied couple, Malcolm Saint and Rachel Livingston? Sparks flew between them in MANWHORE. Separated by deception, the intensity and heat of their attraction turned up in MANWHORE +1. Will Chicago's wealthiest and most notorious player finally settle down, or will one woman never be enough? Find out in MS. MANWHORE, the ultimate conclusion to their electric, breathtaking story.
Due Date: October 5
Print: ebook
Publisher: Pocket Books
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Lookie here, this is so awesome, another book in the series, and I can't wait to read it.  

The Masked Truth by Kelley Armstrong 
In this heart-stopping suspense thriller, #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong proves herself to be a master of terror and suspense. Riley Vasquez is haunted by the brutal murder of the couple she was babysitting for. Max Cross is suffering under the shadow of a life-altering diagnosis he doesn’t dare reveal. The last thing either of them wants is to spend a weekend away at a therapy camp alongside five other teens with “issues.” But that’s exactly where they are when three masked men burst in to take the group hostage. The building has no windows. The exits are sealed shut. Their phones are gone. And their captors are on a killing spree. Riley and Max know that if they can’t get out, they’ll be next—but they’re about to discover that even escape doesn’t equal freedom
Due Date: October 13
Print: Hardcover
Pages: 352
Publisher: Doubleday
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Yeah like I said, book two from Kelley and yes I have to have them in the same wishlist.  

Are you getting any of these?? What's on your book lust list?? Share in the comments down below!!
Happy Lusting

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Book #Review: Fireworks For Four .@_KristiHancock .@Barclay_PR

Title: Fireworks for Four
Author: Kristi Hancock | Facebook | Twitter | Website
Series: Sweet Tooth #2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Release Date: October 12th, 2015
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Format: Digital
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Also available: DESSERT FOR TWO, book one in the Sweet Tooth series

Download at Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Liquid Silver Books


Kick the new year off with a bang!

With few friends and no support from family, ballerina-in-training Caroline Holder pays her bills by working as a nude model. Her financial survival depends on it.

Craig Bishop is a workaholic who achieves his goals because of his tunnel vision when it comes to the things he’s passionate about, which has only been his work—until now. When he sees the beautiful model in body paint at his annual New Year’s Eve Party, it’s love at first sight. Irrepressible feelings for the stranger disrupt his autopilot relationship with his girlfriend, leaving him with the untenable choice of dumping her on the holiday or hiding the most powerful emotional response he’s ever known. Not to mention the new object of his affections has caught the eye of his two friends as well. As he grapples with his own growing desire for the nameless model and her surprising desire to be shared, a Dominant side he never knew he had emerges.

Caroline prides herself on her professionalism, including not talking to clients. She can live out her ultimate sexual fantasy, but only if she breaks the rules. Is one night with three sexy strangers worth the risk?
This is a quick steamy novella, that went places I wasn't expecting it to.  Caroline has given up a lot to achieve her dream of being a ballerina, but while she works on that dream she's making the ends meet by being a moving piece of art at parties and functions.

It's New Year's Eve and she's a moving statue at a company party and while figuring out her spacing for a new routine, meets and speaks to the client which is apparently a big no-no. Sparks fly and Caroline runs off before she and Craig can exchange names.  Craig can't get the gorgeous woman out his mind, and makes some serious decisions based on that brief encounter, mainly he's on a mission to learn her name and to get to know the woman he's so attracted to.  However he's not the only one to spot her, two of his best friends have seen her and now have her in their sights; with time running out until her contract with him runs out, how can Craig get to her when she isn't allowed to talk, and can he get to her before his friends??

Caroline meets several more men at the function that draw her eye and when one of them proposes an outrageous suggestions, she has the chance to indulge for one night without consequences in her deepest darkest fantasies, if only she's brave enough to take the leap.

I loved that we got to explore with Caroline how she should approach the moment or even if she should approach the moment. I really enjoyed reading the down and dirty and steamy parts of the story and how even though it's a small book, it manages to convey such emotion and eroticism.  It was an interesting read, because a few of the twists that happened weren't expected so they kept me intrigues to see how It would unfold.  I loved seeing the embracing of changes and the curiosity in which everyone approached the evening.

A quick, steamy erotic read for those looking for a fun, multipartner read.
Happy Reading

Monday, October 12, 2015

Book #Review: Dark Destiny (Carpathian Series #13 ) Christine Feehan .@AuthurCFeehan

Book Title: Dark Destiny (Carpathian Series 13 )
Author:  Christine Feehan |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Leisure Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: Mass Market paperback
Cost: $6.99
Pages: 383
How I got it: Borrowed From The Library
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Publisher
Publication Date: July 2004
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They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of the light.... Her childhood had been a nightmare of violence and pain until she heard his voice calling out to her. Golden and seductive. The voice of an angel. He had shown her how to survive, taught her to use her unique gifts, trained her in the ancient art of hunting the vampire. Yet he could not bend her to his will. He could not summon her to him, no matter how great his power. As she battled centuries-old evil in a glittering labyrinth of caverns and crystals, he whispered in her mind, forging an unbreakable bond of trust and need. Only with him can she find the courage to embrace the seductive promise of her ...
So I read this and Dark Demon back to back, this being the first of the stories about the brothers.  I really enjoyed this one, especially because our heroine is a woman who despite all reasons that she should be dead, has survived and fought to be here to be strong, to be feared.  When she was young, her light called to a demon, one she unknowingly let into her home, and one that decided to keep her and torture her.  She became a victim at a young age and as a powerful psychic she called through time and space for the one who was to be her perfect mate, unable to get to her, he shared with her all he knew about fighting, about being a hunter and with his knowledge she became something the vampires have told stories of and someone they feared.

The years are starting to wear on her though, always being hunted never having a home, always being alone, Destiny is tired.  She finds herself coming back to this neighborhood, to this place, and without meaning to creating friendships and unknowingly creating a home.  It is here the undead have chosen as a battlefield, and now Destiny isn't going to run anymore, she's going to stand and fight, unaware that the one who taught her, the one who is hunting her for all time, is close by.  She's not going to be fooled by a pretty face or a nice voice, not like she had been once, and Nic has to prove himself before he can gain her trust.   I loved that Destiny didn't believe Nic right off the bat and that need for him to prove himself created tension in the story as well.

I absolutely loved this story. I loved that we get to see MaryAnn, that this one comes after the events of Dark Melody and I have read that one as well so I'm finally seeing all the little pieces and not just the grand picture.  Glues that will lead them into discovering just what the grand scheme is are laid out here, and we get the setup for a few books to come.  This book also answers the question of what happens to the lifemate when a Carpathian has given up his soul and it is heartbreaking to read.

This book was also one of the most therapy positive books of the series, with Destiny's past she's not able to just accept the authority of any man even if he is her lifemate and I absolutely love Nicolae for understanding and working with her on it.  I loved her friendships and how hilarious the other women were with her. Especially the older women, they were pretty kick ass as well.    Destiny sought out a friend and talked things out with her in a way that allowed her to begin to heal, and Nicolae allowed her to be herself and embraced her desire to set the pace, never pushing her for more because he needed it.  He was a perfect lifemate, he had had to train her in the ways of taking care of the vampires hunting her because she was so young and didn't trust him and didn't share where she was so he couldn't find her to protect her, now that he found her, he wanted her to want him, he understood because he had been there when she was in the most pain and he knew he couldn't scare her away.  It was pretty beautiful to read, how much he allowed himself to be vulnerable so that she wouldn't feel threatened.

I loved the story that unfolds, I loved seeing the discussion of PTSD, and the effects of trauma in childhood.  I'm glad the characters actually worked towards it and didn't act as if because they were in love that it miraculously cured her.  I loved that Nicolae was man enough to let go of the reins in the relationship and worry more about making her feel accepted than being in charge.  I loved meeting Vik in this one and couldn't wait to see him meet his match, because he clearly needed a woman's influence to help him with his idiot beliefs.

It's a great read and it's part of the introduction to realizing the vampires have more in store for the Carpathians than previously thought, it's where our friends begin to understand that the plan is far more insidious than they previously believed and it's about to get seriously real.
Highly recommend and of course, Happy Reading