
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Book #Review: Stygian's Honor (Breed 27, Wolf 9) by .@LoraLeigh_1

Book Title: Stygian's Honor ( Breed 27, Wolf 9)
Author: Lora Leigh |WebsiteTwitterFacebook|
Publisher: Berkley
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Sci-Fi Romance
Series/Standalone: Series
Format: Mass Market
Cost: $7.99
Pages: 374
How I got it: Purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |
Publication DateAugust 2012
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Window Rock, Arizona, is the last known location of Honor Roberts, who vanished when she was just thirteen. It was her only sanctuary from the Breed research that would surely have ended in her death--one such insidious experiment should, indeed, have killed her. That she lived is both a miracle--and a great mystery. Stygian's mission is to find Honor Roberts, no matter the cost. Now, with the help of Liza Johnson, assistant to the chief of the Navajo Nation, he is closer than ever to his goal. But will the discovery of Honor Roberts mean the destruction of the mating heat that has developed between Stygian and Liza? The latest novel in the #1 "New York Times"-bestselling series. Stygian Black's mission is to use Liza Caine to fulfill the prophecy left to him by his mother, a Cajun voodoo princess. Liza and Stygian--brought together by an inhuman evil--will soon come together amid secrets and passion. Original.
Back to the desert and the Navajo Nation we go. this book follows closely on Lawe's Justice, with us still hunting the three missing children and trying to find them before Council Coyotes, and the monster in the desert does.  With that e have Stygian assigned to working with the Navajo council's people and he is assigned to Liza who is a bit more than she appears.

From there we get one heck of a ride trying to find the hidden children, the Navajo council keeps their secrets close to their chests, traitors abound, and Council Coyotes make themselves known.  Liza isn't just a secretary and we learn that in the first five pages of the book, as it literally picks up in a scene from Lawe's Justice.  She's actually pretty funny, and itty, sarcastic as hell a real fun character to read.  Since the Breeds have learned what Mating Heat is so many of them are loking forward to it and a fe fear it, Stygian was looking forward to it, so he was really good to his mate. I loved that he was Alpha without being domineering even though at times he had his moments of thinking about being such, he always put his mate's well being first. 

The major secrets the Nation has been hiding are starting to unravel and with them a traitor and his part in the destruction of the Tribes is revealed.  We see Jonas, Rachel and of course Cassie again, as they work as fast as they can to unravel the mystery of what is happening to Amber.  Major plot points are laid out for the following books with characters being set up and the big reveal being worked on.  With this one character's revelation we get one hell of a story, and yet we still have the mystery of why those girls where out in the desert that night.

I really enjoyed reading Liza and Stygian's story as they were like many of the couples misfits who weren't sure where they fit.  Liza especially had been hoping this was her year, to stretch to go beyond here she fit to be more, and some how it became the year of the Breeds. 

This one lays down some serious ground work for the books coming up with major characters being hinted at and the overall story being moved forward. I can't discuss more without spoiling the bigger story, but just know this one was actually a fun, wild ride and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  For me the second half of the book was the best once we had the major reveal it just flew by and we got serious action happening. 
Happy Reading my loves, 

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